Crime refers to any actions that violates the legal frameworks and can be punished through punishment and court proceedings.There has been questions on whether crime related behaviours is inherited, genetic or rather learnt.We have various explanations on how the criminal behaviour can be explained.Various studies have been conducted to explain deliquency as inheritance:
1.Search for crime genes
There are various changes that occur in chromosomes for example for males they originally have XY genes while females have XX chromosomes.In the case of males,a slight change in chromosomes and multiplication of genes may lead to Supermale syndrome and the genes maybe XYY.Males with supermale syndrome are aggressive,anti -social and these behaviours can lead to deliquency and criminal behaviour.
2.Family history
The studies done has shown that children born in families with high cases of criminal behaviour may become deliquent in future.
3.Adoption studies
In the studies conducted,adopted children may have high cases of deliquency as compared to children born and raised by biological parents.In the studies conducted, adopted children were more likely to be raised by criminal parents.
4.Twin studies
Studies conducted on twins both fraternal and identical.Identical twins share more characteristics as compared to fraternal twins.Therefore, the identical twins who possess the characteristics of deliquency are more likely to be criminals.