Intellectual disability refers to limitations in cognitive skills like reasoning, planning and decision making as well as limitations in adaptive behaviours.Adaptive behaviours refers to actions in daily lives such as personal care, health and practical care.A person with intellectual disability therefore experience deficits in intellectual functioning and deficits in adaptive behaviours.There are various causes of intellectual disability including:
1.Chromosomal abnormalities -Chromosomes maybe located in a different spot that it is supposed to be and when this translocation occurs, chromosomal abnormalities like downs syndrome and fragile X may occur.These disorders are associated with intellectual disabilities.
2.Infections -Infections during and after birth like HIV infections,Rubella infections may result to intellectual functioning disability if not treated or managed at early stages.
3.Poverty and cultural deprivation -Children raised by poor families may experience malnutrition,poor health care and inadequate resources.Above factors may lead to intellectual disability whether mild, moderate, severe or profound.
4.Environment -An environment full of environmental stressors such as noise pollution, environmental pollution, conflicts and insecurities are likely to develop intellectual disability.
5.Trauma -Traumas including natural traumas like disasters and human made traumas like head injury during birth can be a predisposing factor to developing intellectual disabilities.