Maslow's hierarchy of needs in relation to motivation.
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Maslows hierarchy of needs was developed by Abraham Maslow and it has been used to explain motivation in various sectors and industries including schools, workplaces and industries to motivate employees,workers and students.The hierarchy is divided into five levels i.e:

1.Physiological needs -Refers to basic needs which must be satisfied for successful living and enhanced wellbeing.Examples include Water,shelter, food, clothing and sex.Sex can be considered a physiological need among the species because without sex among species,human beings are likely to become extinct.

2.Safety/Security needs -Refers to security needs for example protection and defence.After satisfaction of physiological needs, safety needs get satisfied.

3.Need for belongingness/Love needs -Refers to need for affiliation, affection and love.For example Social support systems,peer support and family support systems.It is satisfied after the safety and physiological needs have been satisfied.

4.Self esteem needs -Includes needs for approval, achievement and power.It is considered as achievement of goals and visions since all basic, safety,belonginess and love needs.

5.Self actualisation -It is achieved after all needs have been achieved.Self actualized people have some characteristics like own decision making and opinion.

The Maslows hierarchy of needs is similar to Alderfers motivation theory except that Alderfers theory has three levels while Maslows hierarchy has five needs, Alderfers was developed by Alderfer.


1.Used to motivate employees in the workplaces.

2.Used in therapy to enhance wellbeing of the humans.

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