Four components of emotions
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Emotions are stirred state of an individual.Emotions can be both negative and positive.Negative emotions include fear, anxiety and anger while positive emotions include joy, happiness and excitement.All these have four components which include 

1.Behavioral components 

Refers to outwardly observed characteristics in an individual as a result of emotions for example sweating and trembling.

2.Physiological components 

Refers to bodys activities and processes that occur as a result of emotions for example blood pressure increases,heart beat increases and pupils dilate.

3.Cognitive components 

Refers to thoughts, beliefs and feelings related to emotions for example in some communities men are not expected to cry (beliefs)they rather suppress their feelings.

4.Subjective experience 

Explains emotions to be different in everyone and may depend on ones own interpretation for example bridegroom crying on a wedding day symbolises happiness but one may interpret crying as a sign of sadness.

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