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There are five types of offenders according to psychology of criminal behaviour and they include the following:

1.Legalistic offenders -These are offenders which comit the laws contained in the constitution.They may comit crimes due to ignorance or thoughtlessness.They may not involve criminal intent for example a caregiver who accidentally leaves the child in the house and later the child get injured.The best remedy or preventive effort of curbing these kinds of offenders is through education and raising awareness about the crimes including the positive and the negative impacts of crime.

2.Situational offenders -Refers to offenders which comit crimes due to some situations like provocation and stress.The crimes here may vary from minor offences like theft to murder.They comit crimes to respond to judgement.The best way of curbing these offenders is through Counselling and social work services.

3.Pathological offenders -These are chronically abnormal.They may have inadequate personalities like psychotism which is characterised by aggresiveness and anti social.They comit offences like homesexual acts, child molesting and murder.

4.Avocational offenders -They are law abiding professionals and habitually comit crimes in the process of accomplishing their duties for example a civil engineer who bribes inspector so as to find away of narrowing the road width.Another example,a mechanic who overcharges for repair of the vehicles.

5.Career offenders.Career offenders look familiar with avocational ,they differ in that career offenders chiefly depend on the crime to earn a living and they are covered by laws.For example the betting or gambling businesses.

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