Interaction is a process at which individuals come together,share ideas, values and opinions.It may occur among two or more individuals, communities and individuals.Interaction is important since it promotes national unity,promotes social stability,enhance economic growth and development and lead to cultural diversity.For example,the interaction between the Luo community and Agikiyu community led to intermarriages as well as promoted trade between them.Therefore,people interact because of the following reasons:
1.Due to travelling -People travel for tourism and exploration of various places.In the process of exploring places for example gameparks, tourists get to interact with many people from various cultures,eat foods from different cultures as well as getting to explore the various lifestyles of a given culture.
2.Trade -Trade involves the exchange of goods and services.Various individuals get involved in business for example the buyer and the seller.For the business or trade to be successful, the seller has to establish a good rapport with the buyer and this is achieved through interpersonal interaction.
3.Internet -We interact because technology has made the world a global village therefore interactions have been made much easier around the globe.With internet for example WhatsApp or Facebook, people make friends and therefore interactions is made much easier.
4.Entertainment -Entertainment means any activity that brings a sense of humour to an individual for example hobbies, music,drama and songs.Entertainment brings people together and brings the urge of knowing each other thus interacting.
5.Traditions -Traditions of various cultures may drive someone to interact with other communities inorder to gain knowledge and learn more about the culture itself.